Locksmith Training in Southwest of England UK. In Newquay Cornwall.
Recommended by the
Guild of Master Locksmiths UK
Cornwall & Devon Locksmith Training Company Profile:
Names: Cornwall & Devon Locksmith Training CDLT.
Head Instructor: Steve Taylor, 3rd generation master locksmith, Full level 6 LTTA qualified, Over 30 years of locksmithing in a family with over 70 years of locksmith trade.
Established: 2017 by the late Steve Taylor, who operates multiple training companies in the UK.
Awards: They carry the a full GMLUK level 6 certification, they are LTTA certified training providers and are part of our Safe Contractor Approved training program an carry a number of excellence awards along with other City and Guilds Awards, education and teaching awards. They are also multiple award winning training provider winning many awards for best business, youth at work and many business to business based awards and achievements.
They also have a full business development training program that will create and launch your locksmith business. From creating your logos to building you a website, training you in consumer law to accounting and everything in between!
Pricing: From £399 to £7500
Type of Training: One to one. one to two, face to face and online and hands on. They also offer accommodation at Trethiggey Holiday Park in Quintrell Downs in Newquay. The training facility is on the same site.
Best Value for Money Course: Mobile Master Locksmith Training Program with the Business Package and the full online training package, tool package, stock package, business website package, logo and graphics package, legal and trademark package, Accommodation for 7 nights for up to 4 people in Newquay. One of the UK's best holiday destinations, a full graduation meal and drink and much more.
Price for a full business: £4700 valued at £30.000 if bought separately.
This course is a business ready to go, you just need to answer the phone calls and book the jobs and earn your money. Its a 36 week locksmith course to a level 3 award and then 12 months from when you start to trade to achieve your level 4. Every 3 years you will earn an excellence award if you deliver excellent service and keep a record of reviews and outstanding work in the community. After 3 awards, that's 10 years of service you will earn your Master Locksmith Title and Award.
The course is a 4 weeks distant learning online training course to study for your foundation level award.
You then attend the lock lab in Newquay Cornwall for 5 days of hands on skills training to achieve your level 1 and 2 awards.
You then move on to the distant learning online locksmith training program for the next 21 weeks of home study and learning. They supply a full home lock lab to help you learn from home.
You will also enrol onto the 15 weeks of business training program where you will study for the S.C.A.UK Safe Contractor Approved award and you will study to reach a level 2 in locksmith business management and trade. You will also receive the full marketing package which includes a custom website with custom logos and marketing. It has a full 24 month after care program, 2 free days of face to face locksmith training if required.
You will walk away with a full business and fully trained by the end of the course.
This Newquay location in Cornwall comes with 7 nights of luxury accommodation for up to 4 people. Click Here For More Information!
Contact Details: taylorslockmsithsuk@gmail.com or visit there website here or call directly on 07525639943
Locksmith Training with Cornwall and Devon Locksmith Training
Unlock Your Potential with Our Comprehensive Training Program and step into a new career as a master locksmith. We don't just train you to become a locksmith. We build you a full locksmith business including 36 weeks of training online and 7 days face to face, one to one locksmith training. We supply your tools, stock, website, accommodation in Newquay and full business development!
Most Popular Locksmith Training Courses offered by Cornwall and Devon Locksmith Training
Locksmith Training for 5 weeks with a 5 day face to face one to one training program in Newquay Cornwall. This is 4 weeks of online foundation training and the 5 days face to face with 2 days final online training before you sit your GMLUK exams to a level 2 award.
Starter Locksmith Tool Kit
Starter Locksmith Stock Package
Full Legal Training Package
5 Day One to One Training Package
4 Weeks of Online Pre Training Package
7 Nights Accommodation
Mobile Locksmith Training and Business
Package 36 Weeks Total
Full 21 week locksmith training package
Full 7 Days of one to one training package
Full 15 week business package
Full 7 Nights of Accommodation in Newquay
Full Website build package
Full Logo graphics package
Full Marketing package
Full Legal package
Full Locksmith tool package
Full Locksmith stock package
Full 24 month after care package
Full 2 day face to face aftercare training program if required
Once you have fully trained you will then be a trading locksmith and part of the Guild of Master Locksmiths UK and passed your level 1,2,3 and 4 exams you will be awarded a LTTA award for Locksmith Trade and Training Association and the Guild of Master Locksmiths Level 4 Award.
With this course Taylors will send you a full at home training kit, this is a lock lab for your house, all of the mats vices, locks and hardware to train on. You do this via live video sessions so you will need a laptop but Taylors supply you with a webcam, tripod and everything you need to record you sessions for assessment. You can then learn at your own pace at home around your lifestyle. Once you are ready you will then attend 5 sessions face to face, one to one for the advanced sections of the course, learning and training on real properties and not in a class. The pre online training builds a solid foundation of skills, you learn how to use the tools by watching our pre recorded video tutorials, downloading the documents and eBooks, manuals and diagrams to fully study locks and lockology.
More Information on the 36 Week Course and why we believe it is the best in the UK!
"Some of the items you will see from the 36 week training program and locksmith course. On the right you can see as an idea what a lock lab will look like, its full of vices to hold locks and carry out assignments, from training locks to metal body locks and hardware. Many items will be destroyed as you learn how they operate, what's inside of them an how to deal with them. This works alongside a locksmith tool kit. The same kit that Taylors locksmith use on there daily jobs"
You will know all of your fire regulations, legal such as home and business insurance regulations, BSI kitemarks and more. By the time you attend the locksmith face to face hands on training you will be at a level 2 awarded with a number of accomplished assignments. Your instructor is by your side online for any questions, video calls and online training sessions. After your 5 days of intense training you will be awarded a level 3 award. You will then move back to the online training program and complete the most complex aspect of the course. The level 4 award. Once this is done you will re attend for 2 more days and put the level 4 into practice so it can then be signed off. At this point you will be ready to move on to the business packages. This is where a business manager will aid you as they build a full business for you, that's the website, to placing you online and on to Google, working with you to launch your socials and fully train you in how to manage them. You will undertake marketing training covering customer care, customer service, sales and more. You will eventually work you way through the business world completing further sections and gaining awards and qualification in business, from learning accounting and tax to learning your new terms and conditions that's created by our company solicitor. You will have video advertising made, photographs taken and by the time you complete the course your phone should be ringing with people wanting quotes and requesting a locksmith service.
Now if you are worried that you cant afford the accommodation costs, Taylors are part of Cornwall and Devon Locksmith Training and they offer a vacation based locksmith training program that offers the student full luxury accommodation on the Trethiggey Holiday Park in Newquay Cornwall for up to a family of 4 people in a static holiday home with parking. So while you are training the family can be enjoying the beaches and shops of Newquay. The Cornwall and Devon Locksmith Training Lock Lab is stationed on the Trethiggey Holiday Park site. The courses that's offered are the same but included in the cost of £4600 you have 7 days of accommodation along with a graduation meal and drinks on the final evening where you will receive your certification. This is only available in Newquay Cornwall and not at the Gateshead training facility.
Taylors can offer the accommodation as they also own a holiday park in Cornwall so they can add the accommodation for only £200 more. This would normally be £1400 for the week!
Flights available from May until November direct to Newquay and they offer a Newquay airport pick up and drop off service as part of the cost!